Latest Drum News
Battery Magazine # 190 is available on newsstands and in digital version
ON THE COVER: 14 years after our first meeting with ANNE PACEO, the young drummer in the making is today a major artist of modern jazz. A true citizen of the world, the multi-award-winning musician, singer and composer has taken her flight cases to all continents and nourishes her art with a multitude of sounds and cultures behind an instrument that she masters wonderfully. We are happy to offer him our one.

Also find our interviews with the legendary Mikkey Dee (Scorpions), Manu Dyens (Orelsan) behind the scenes of the biggest tour of the year, Arnaud Dolmen, Nick D’Virgilio, Davy Honnet, Theo Gendron (Dagoba)…
On the sheet music side, our statements by Ringo Starr, Dave Grohl… and the lessons of our teachers Cédric Hilaire D-Click Online, Hervé Chiquet (IZI Drumming), Stéphane Boutinaud (Apprendre la Batterie.com) will help you progress behind the instrument …
Without forgetting our equipment tests (discover the “Made in France” MR drumsticks drumsticks), our usual sections (Morgan Berthet’s mood post, Thomas Millo’s social network advice, manuwino’s Crash Barrière…) and all the battery news…
Editorial When we are exposed to music all year long, we sometimes forget the symbol of its first substance, with this passion in the background and thousands of hours of work at the artist. A feeling accentuated by the de-materialization of music and the releases that bloom every Friday on streaming platforms.
We press PLAY, let it run for a few seconds and move on to the next one. Things seem so simple, so obvious and flowing. However, whether it is performed on stage or in the studio, a 45-minute musical performance is often the result of one or two years of research, questioning, technical and artistic difficulties, decision-making subject to debates involving many protagonists… We judge and zap the music without taking into account the emotional character that hides behind each impulse, each melody and sound texture worked in the shadows and with care by the artists. We act like that by nature and it is deeply unfair. The fascinating interview given to us by Anne Paceo reflects the painstaking work of an independent musician seeking to build a work in his image and to climb, slowly but surely, the ladder of critical and public success. A work that deserves more than a simple click on Spotify.
We dedicate this issue to drummers who, like Anne Paceo, devote their existence to music in a jungle that is sometimes difficult to clear.
April 2022 Interviews:
MIKKEY DEE (SCORPIONS) – Rock’n roll Survivor
ARNAUD DOLMEN – The humanist pulse
MANU DYENS (ORELSAN) – “It’s all just a game”
NICK D’VIRGILIO – Proof by three!
ANNE PACEO – The shamanic odyssey
Pedagogy & Scores:
Groove Collection: Dave Grohl, Ringo Starr, Stephane Boutinaud…
The lessons of Hervé Chiquet / IZI Drumming (VIDEO): 4 great exos of independence!
The courses of Cédric Hilaire / D-Click Online (VIDEO): Develop your rhythm cue!
Folders & Sections:
NEWS: all the groove news
OSEF #13 – Morgan Berthet’s mood post
“FIRST TIME” INTERVIEW: Théo Gendron (Dagoba)
BEST OF – “The 10 albums that changed my life” Davy Honney
BARRIER CRASH – TICKET #6: Danny Carey (Tool)
SPOTLIGHT: Kevin D’Agostino (LANDMVRKS) / Mariya Tikhonova
PEDAGO – Bass & Drums Camp
Hardware & Software:
Find the videos of our tests on our channel:
Groove Shop:
Accessories GIBRALTAR Rock Series
MR Drumsticks
ZILDJIAN 7″ FX Blast Bell
To order this issue (paper or digital version): http://batteriemagazine.com/produit/numero-190