Latest Drum News
Are you looking for suit accessories that aren’t generic and mass produced? These unique cuff links feature hand cut metal from a retired drum cymbal. They are eco-friendly and help to give the gift of music to kids in need through our nonprofit partner, Band of Angels.
Product Details
The drum cymbal measures approximately .5 of an inch by .75 of an inch. This is a stock photo so the cuff link size may very slightly from pair to pair. Please keep in mind that our instrument led exciting and productive lives before retirement and their imperfections tell a soulful story of their past.
The also sell the following:
Cuff Links: HERE

Amos Lee – Sothern Girl Stamped Drum Cymbal Necklace: HERE

Beaded Drum Cymbal Earrings: HERE

Boho Drum Cymbal Chandelier Earrings: HERE

Drum Cymbal Boho Cross Necklace With Red Beads: HERE