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Metal Injection reports that Exodus drummer Tom Hunting successfully underwent a full gastrectomy on July 12 to remove the cancerous gastric tumors discovered earlier this year. According to Exodus guitarist Gary Holt, Hunting is going alright and he’ll give more updates as Hunting progresses!
Exodus recently announced they’re moving their long-awaited new album Persona Non Grata back from its original June release date to this November in order to accommodate Hunting in his battle with squamous cell carcinoma.
Gary writes in an Instagram post: “GREAT NEWS!! So Tom came out of surgery about 45 minutes ago, he’s still heavily sedated but everything went according to plan. Gastrectomy complete, heavily sedated but all cancer and mesothelioma nodules removed . He’s a warrior. I’ll give updates later as I get them, been a stress filled day, thank you to everyone for all the positive vibes.
On April 13, 2021, three days after his 56th birthday, it was announced that Hunting had been diagnosed with squamous cell carcinoma of the stomach.
Link to origional post: HERE