You have an opportunity to have your voice heard. Each year, the Percussive Arts Society inducts a new class into the PAS Hall of Fame. Pasted below are the requirements for you to submit the drummer you think needs to be considered for the PAS Hall of Fame.
You need to hurry up, nomination deadline: December 31, 2020
Email nominations to Joshua Simonds: jsimonds@pas.org
Visit the website: HERE
Timeline for nominations and selection to the Hall of Fame:
December 31 – Deadline for nominations.
March – Council of Past Presidents review nominations and select a final slate of candidates.
April – Board of Advisors vote on Hall of Fame candidates.
June – Hall of Fame inductees are announced for current year.
PASIC – New Hall of Fame inductees are presented awards during the convention.
The Hall of Fame Nominating Committee consists of the Past Presidents with their elected representative serving as chair. The function of the Nominating Committee shall be to evaluate the nominees in accordance with the Criteria for Selection and forward a slate of only the most deserving candidates to the Board of Advisors for final selection.
Final selection of the inductees will be made by the Board of Advisors based on the documentation provided by the nominator and in accordance with the Criteria for Election. Candidates receiving a majority of votes will be inducted into the Hall of Fame. Those elected, living or deceased, are honored at the annual PASIC President’s Reception and formally inducted in front of the PAS Membership, prior to the Thursday evening concert.
Nominations will be accepted from any PAS member. Nominees need not be PAS members. Names of those nominated will be given consideration for 3 years from the date of their first letter of nomination.
Nominations may be emailed to Executive Director, Joshua Simonds, at jsimonds@pas.org, or mailed to the PAS office. Mailed nominations must include the name and address of the nominator and be sent to ATTN: Joshua Simonds, 110 W. Washington Street, Suite A, Indianapolis, IN 46204. The deadline for nominations is December 31 of each year.
Required Documentation for Hall of Fame Nominees:
1) For an Individual nominee – date of birth.
For a Group nominee – date of formation.
2) Current email and mailing address of the nominee or, if deceased, name, email and mailing address of a surviving family member or group member(s).
3) A brief description of the nominee’s achievement(s) which qualify the nominee for entry to the PAS Hall of Fame.
4) Curriculum vitae or career history.
5) Multiple letters supporting the nomination.
Three letters of nomination for a Hall of Fame nominee will be selected by the PAS Executive Director and forwarded to the Nominating Committee.
Criteria for Election to the PAS Hall of Fame
All nominees will be judged according to the following criteria:
Nominees must have demonstrated the highest ideals and professional integrity to their profession. They must have brought about significant events, substantive improvements in the world of percussion, or contributed to the betterment of the profession through exemplary services or acts.
A nominee must have a record of sustained (though not necessarily continuous) contributions to the field and be supportive of the philosophy and objectives of the Percussive Arts Society. Performing groups who have demonstrated the highest ideals and professional integrity to their profession may be considered for nomination. Posthumous nominees may be included.
Contribution: Has the nominee made an outstanding contribution to the advancement of percussion?
Eminence: Have achievements in performance, education, research, scholarship, administration, composition or the industry distinguished the nominee from his or her contemporaries?
Influence: Has the nominee’s influence been of major significance to the profession even though contributions may have been confined largely to a single area of interest.
Permanence: Is it probable that the nominee’s accomplishments will continue to be valued by percussion professionals of the future?