Jason Bittner and Category 7 Release Self Titled CD

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Jason Bittner, renowned for his thunderous drumming with Shadows Fall and Overkill, has embarked on a new chapter in his illustrious career as he joins Category 7, a powerhouse metal outfit that’s already making waves in the music scene.

Category 7 is not just another group of musicians; it’s a supergroup in every sense, comprising veterans from iconic bands such as Anthrax, Armored Saint, Adrenaline Mob, Machine Head, Overkill, Exodus, and Shadows Fall. The seeds of the band were sown in conversations between guitarists Phil Demmel and Mike Orlando, who shared a vision to revive the twin lead guitar sound reminiscent of ’70s legends like Thin Lizzy. Bittner quickly joined the fold, bringing his unparalleled drumming prowess, followed by bassist Jack Gibson, rounding out the formidable rhythm section.

The missing piece to complete Category 7’s lineup was none other than John Bush, whose distinctive voice and commanding presence fit the band’s concept perfectly. With Bush on board as the vocalist, the band began crafting their debut album, a testament to their collective experience and dedication to pushing the boundaries of metal music.

For Bittner, joining Category 7 represents more than just another gig—it’s an opportunity to collaborate with some of the genre’s most respected musicians and to contribute his signature style to a new, dynamic sound. Having previously lent his talents to thrash metal bands like Toxik and Flotsam and Jetsam, Bittner’s versatility and technical prowess have consistently set him apart in the metal world.

Now, as the drummer for Category 7, Bittner continues to evolve as an artist, embracing the band’s aggressive yet melodic approach to metal. Their self-titled debut album, which has already garnered critical acclaim for its blistering riffs, infectious rhythms, and Bush’s commanding vocals, showcases a band firing on all cylinders and ready to leave their mark on the global metal scene.

With Metal Blade Records backing their vision, Category 7 is poised to reach new heights, promising fans an electrifying live experience and a catalog of music that pays homage to their storied histories while forging ahead with a bold, innovative spirit. As they embark on this new journey together, Jason Bittner and Category 7 are set to redefine what it means to be a supergroup in the realm of heavy metal.

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